About us

Founding members – Founding charter – Letter of intents
This is the RELAMI GROUP SITE, a non-profit Latin American Network of Missiologists that has recently started its activities. The idea of the foundation of this group goes back to the Missiology Departament of the Theological Graduate School in the city of São Paulo (Brazil). RELAMI is committed to four principles, that are like the pillars of RELAMI: 1- The Trinitarian Origins of Mission; 2- A Contextualized Universality for missionary presence; 3- A trans-disciplinary missionary reflection and 4- A ecumenical articulation of the utopia of the Kingdom with the grassroots movements and their projects.
It is through the articulation of Trinity, Universality, Contextuality, and a Trans-disciplinary approach present in the contents of this site that the creative tension between liberation, salvation and inculturation will shed a new light for our open dialogue on mission. RELAMI seeks, in the interior of local Churches, to give voice (to rescue) to the memories of many victims, to the words of so many witnesses and to the courage of so many of the prophets. It is from the specificity of its interest and field, that of missiology, that RELAMI participates in the macro-ecumenical dialogue as a way to re-build the lives of the poor/the others placing them at the center of the world and of the Church of Jesus Christ.
RELAMI is willing to receive your suggestions and to invite you to be a part of this network as collaborators. You can help us by sending information, suggestions, and any materials that are relevant from a missiological point of view. What unites us is the gratuity aspect of service as well as the enthusiasm we feel for the missionary cause and our objectives. This is the challenge we are currently facing: It is our responsibility to rescue the memory of the forgotten ones and to share justice perspectives with so many victims and to announce and proclaim hope in the Churches through their rebirth in the Spirit and their being rooted in the life of the poor, the others and the excluded ones.